Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Too Much Squawking

I've been avoiding writing a blog note because it would mean too much venting/complaining but it's time to catch everyone up on what's going on.

The house is nice and quiet although Buddy is snoring behind me. Lisette is at Theater camp (you have to say "Theater" with an upper crust British accent for some reason), John is hopefully picking up his travel orders finally and my lazy youngest two are still sleeping!

While I was back home we were informed by the school in Bolivia that Jake was denied admission due to "serious concerns regarding his behaviour" ...John and I both about had a stroke. Jake had a hard time adjusting when we first arrived in Buenos Aires but he's improved by leaps and bounds since, especially considering we're moved this 8/9 yr. old child twice in the span of a year.

We've received some awesome support from the government and now the school is willing to reconsider his enrollment if he is cleared through a psycho-educational evaluation and emotional/ developmental testing. His testing takes place this Thursday and Friday. Meanwhile our collective breaths are held.

On the job front, I'm to have an interview over the phone tomorrow morning. Just another reason to pop my blood pressure through the roof. However, on the stress scale, it's rather low. I've always interviewed well and this job isn't the most important thing right now.

The icing on the cake? I'm having a hysteroscopy (read that carefully!) on July 2nd. Oh, and John is expecting to depart for Bolivia shortly thereafter. Life does keep us on our toes. If it doesn't kill us... you know.

My Lasik eyes are doing great. My kids are wonderful and I have the best friend/husband in the universe to lean on when life is totally una vida loca.

Now Jake is up and eating his scrambled eggs. He gave me a big good morning hug. Now I really don't have anything to squawk about. It's a beautiful day! Hope the sun is shining where you are too!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Plugging Along

I can see! Thanks to Lasik surgery last Saturday...it's amazing! It also happens to be 1/2 the price back home in Ontario so I stuck through feeling very unsure, did some research and went ahead with it. My vision is now about 20/15...this after being legally blind without correction. I heard the horror stories (actually, not really horror, just disappointment) and I heard the "it's so fabulous!" stories. I'm presently in the "it's so fabulous" category. :-)

We're waiting to hear if we're still going to Bolivia. There's been a big glitch in the plan but since I seem to be grumpy about one thing or another in this blog lately, I'll keep that story quiet until I can let you know the final outcome. Just say a prayer that things work out well...one way or another, but as long as it works out well!

It was great to see my family. I miss them so much and feel so isolated so much of the time. Always a billion miles away. Don't get me wrong, I love the adventure in our life but it doesn't stop me missing my friends and family. Eight days wasn't enough! Somehow I think John feels I was away longer than he'd have liked! He did just fine with the kids - even attended quite a few end of year events with the schools!

There was a murder on our street while I was away, a young man was shot in the driveway. That was freaky! They've had a memorial every night since, including last night. They aren't too loud but Jake needed to move into our bed to fall asleep...it's horribly sad. It's a Muslim family, I wish I knew an appropriate response to send/bring over there. Not sure if flowers or a meal or a plant would be okay... we certainly don't want to somehow offend at a time like this.

Today is the kids' last day of school. Happy day for them! Pseudo-happy day for mom and dad! :-)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Job Application

Me! I'm applying for an Embassy nurse job. Scary. Very, very scary. For some reason AOL doesn't want to send my resume out...is it trying to tell me something? :-(