Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gorgeous Saturday!!

Another picture perfect day. Jake had Boy Scouts this morning. While he did that I scooted over to buy a birthday gift for a little girl in his class. I thought to call a friend to see if she'd like to meet me at our "almost there" house...she did but not until 11:30. Okay!

Diana brought some other of the Embassy ladies (all terrific!) with her as she was out and about with them when I called. We toured the house and then decided that it was time for lunch! It worked out that Jake went home with his friend Manny so I joined the gals for lunch.

I also got a phone call from Manny's mom who reminded me that I had wanted to go with her next time she went to get her haircut...was I available at 2? Sure! So after lunch Nicole and I went with Christine to get our haircut. It took FOREVER so we finally picked up Jake at 4:30...his birthday party was at 5. So we zipped home, changed and finally found the birthday party house at around 5:20.

Nicole begged for Burger King for dinner (yuck!) and I talked her into Cafe Beirut...great burgers! It was a total teen hangout so I felt ancient but the food was good.

Home from there at around 6:30...I finally had a chance to sit down and check my email. Now it's almost 8:30, I just got home from picking Jake up and dropping Nicole off at her birthday party! Whew!

Guess what? Not a word written yet on my essay!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

TGIF or maybe not

I have an essay to write this weekend (that's what the "maybe not" is about) which isn't so bad because I enjoy writing but I'm terrified it's not going to be in the correct format or whatever. The directions are less than clear. The other thing I'm not looking forward to this weekend is taking a history test. The two chapters this week were sooooooo boring to read. Now I have to go over them again before the test, I usually take about 6 hours (I'm not kidding) to write notes about each page, which isn't too bad when they're interesting!

This week has been super busy. Again, between school and work I have little time for chilling out. With John away, that obviously makes it a little worse. Jake started After School Activities - he's taking Chess, Rock Cimbing and Boy Scouts. They have a Climbing Wall at the school and his first class was very cool! He loved Chess in Argentina but wasn't thrilled with his first class here. Boy Scouts starts tomorrow and that's something "Daddy's" going to be taking over so I can study...or chill.

I screwed up this week but it may pay off later. On Wednesday night I was cursing my Chemistry class while trying to complete the homework package. A bunch of the questions were from chapters we hadn't even covered yet but they had switched around some chapter orders so I just plugged away, teaching myself out of the textbook when necessary. Finally submitted it all Thursday morning only to find out it isn't due until FEB 12TH!!!! Sheesh. Atleast my Chem homework is done for awhile!

Today was mostly a day off though I went in for a few hours. The sun is shining, it's a gorgeous day out. Tonight I'm going to a dinner and show with a bunch of friends - tomorrow, back to school!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mellow Sunday

I've probably used that title for another Sunday but that's what it was today!

The vote for the constitution was today so there's was to be no driving for us. BTW, looks like the new constitution got the votes it needed. I'm just grateful this isn't my country. Though there definitely needed to be someone in power to bring the indigenous people up, unfortunately this isn't a president who will work for all the people.

Nicole, Jake and I just hung out. I finished my Chemistry's hoping, I think I did well!

I cooked a beef stew for dinner. With Dominga doing 90% of the cooking around here, it was nice to get back into the kitchen. It turned out really good, not fabulous but definitely yummy. We had bought fresh rolls yesterday which I tossed in a freezer bag to keep soft. The air is so dry here, things get stale fast. They went perfectly with the stew.

John called a bunch of times, just for this and that but it's always good to hear his voice. I got a quick note from Haley (12 yr old niece) on Facebook saying, "We have your family" - she's such a hoot!

So now it's all quiet in the house and I'm ready for bed! Ciao!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Interesting Weekend Ahead

Federal voting in Bolivia is on Sundays. I think that's a great idea - no excuse not to cast your vote on a weekend. Here's how La Paz looks on this voting weekend. No alcohol will be sold after midnight tonight. Mind you, a friend told me he was told by the liquor store owner that, "no, can't sell liquor after midnight Saturday but, yes, I'll sell you liquor after midnight Saturday." The Embassy note read that there should be no consumption of liquor in Bolivia after midnight so it's a bit confusing to begin with.

Secondly, you can't drive anywhere...vehicles are not permitted on the roads. There are some passes permitted upon request (the Embassy has a few vehicles with these passes if we need to go somewhere) but basically the roads are off limits to cars. No taxis, no buses, nada. Interesting, huh? Welcome to Bolivia...a different world.

So tomorrow is the big day. They're voting on the new constitution which Evo has vowed he'll implement via presidential decree if it doesn't pass. Be thankful for where you live, it's got it's own issues but it ain't here. :-)

On a more positive note, Lisette had her first audition yesterday. She was at the University of Miami and it sounds like she did great! On the low end of great was her vocal audition, but her monologues and the dance portion went awesome! UM's program is very small, I think John said there were only about 6 spots. She won't find out anything for another month. Next week - University of Central Florida and Florida State University! Go get 'em Lisette!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy MLK Jr Day!

Hmmm., but not for the kids! Perfect! ;-)

John and I slept in but then I got up, showered and headed right to work on my Chemistry studies. Again, it's a good thing I like Chemistry because the work is hard to focus on.

Then John interrupted me because he was hungry so off we went to have lunch at a popular diner five minutes away. We ran into some other folks from the Embassy but dined alone. After lunch we checked on the progress of the house, I was delighted with the closet system they put in the girls' rooms. I think I'm finally accepting that it won't be ready until March though they're still saying mid-February.

A quick stop at the grocery store and we were home in time for the kids to get back from school. Nicole brought home friends to work on a science project and I got back to work on my Chemistry.

Now, I'm ready for the class tonight plus I've been getting my reading done for World Civilizations tomorrow night. Oh, and I got a 90 on my test last night - not bad but not great!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Trying to Get Organized

I really wanted to get ahead in my schoolwork this week but I've failed miserably. The required papers were written, the test was taken but the other work that needed to be done before my school week starts anew remains undone. This will be my New Years Resolution! To get more organized with school and with Spanish class.

Friday was a fun day for me. I slept in a little then showered and went shopping a bit before meeting a girlfriend for lunch. Lunch lasted almost 3 hours! It was a lot of fun. Then I zipped home, checked on the kids and went to meet John and his office crew at a restaurant - they were having an "office meeting" with beers on the side. After about an hour or so with them, it was Happy Hour with a bunch of ladies from the Embassy - luckily it was taking place at the same restaurant! I had to leave a little early as John and I had a dinner date with Lisette to celebrate her scholarships.

Dinner was at a Sushi restaurant (Lisette's favourite!) and it was great to spend time with just the three of us.

Saturday began with Lisette going to voice lessons and me dragging the rest of the family out to see a horseback riding club. We ended up having a blast. The place is very family oriented, both Nicole and Jake got to ride a couple of the horses. The girls haven't ridden since 2003 so it was neat to see Nicole remembering her lessons! Jake has never really ridden and he absolutely loved it!

Back home for lunch and to pick up Lisette for a quick visit to our future house. Jake didn't want to go - he wants it to be a surprise when we move in. Alrighty then!
The house is really coming along but I'm not convinced it'll be ready in the next few weeks like they're saying. However, the more carpet they tear up, the happier I am - so far, 2 out of 3 stories have gorgeous hardwood floors!

Back home to finally take down all our Christmas decorations and put them away. The kids were a great help with very little fussing. John was relatively absent from the process - I'll give him the excuse of his sore back though!

Last night we went out for dinner with friends to a very cool Spanish tapas joint. In typical Spanish style, it was a four hour meal! So much laughter, I'm sure we annoyed our neighbouring tables.

Today was very mellow. We slept waaaay in after our fun night. Then I finally got down to business with schoolwork - in between loads of laundry. So test taken and now I'm going to cuddle with my World Civilization book in bed!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Remembered!

I was just about to close up the computer when I remembered that I have a blog! These work hours on top of school hours are messing with my fun! Although work hours tend to be more fun than work for the most was more work than fun.

We arrived home on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were work days, then I had to go in for a few hours Wednesday afternoon and then worked again today. Plus most of my homework is due tonight - all that writing for World Civilizations. Somehow I signed myself up to organize a book club at the Embassy too.

Busy, busy but I prefer it that way, atleast for now. It also helps that I got my first paycheck! :-)

Huge news from last night - Lisette has been offered a $9,600 scholarship from Florida State University! That brings her scholarship total to over $25,000!!! As you can imagine, we're so proud of her we could bust! Thankfully, FSU is her first choice but she knows that her options are still open to choose a different school.

So my homework for tonight is done, John just left to pick up Lisette after her workout, Jake is tucked in and I'm going to call it an early evening. And no work for me tomorrow!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back From Tarija!

It was a wonderful yet short vacation! Tarija is a beautiful city, nestled in the mountains with delicious wineries and stunning landscapes. It has the Bolivian hospitality, a gorgeous hotel (where we stayed) and the weather cooperated!! We expected rain daily but we ended up with mostly clear days and some wet we spent every evening at the hotel, that was fine!

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy, full day so I'm going to go cuddle with my husband and watch a few minutes of the Golden Globes and then I'm hitting the sack!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Life's Way Busy

Work takes up a lot of my time. Plus I just started two online classes. Then there's the whole three kids, a husband and a dog gig. Sorry I've been away for so long!

Jorge is home and doing okay. John spoke to him today and said he still sounds pretty confused. His short term memory sucks and he had to learn his way around his house again.

Yesterday was John and my 20th wedding anniversary! We're celebrating with the kids in Tarija, a small city in southern Bolivia. We just arrived yesterday and enjoyed the hotel grounds we're staying at today. The heated pool was great but we all spent a little too much time in the sun. The worst hit is Jake - his back is badly burnt. He sat in a cool tub for quite awhile this evening and John lathered his back with lotion tonight. I've been pushing fluids into him all day. We'll be avoiding the sun tomorrow...we were expecting clouds and rain for our whole trip - ooops!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

ICU Psychosis

Jorge is having bouts of delusion. This isn't uncommon, we call it "ICU Psychosis" - considering an ICU patient like Jorge is medicated, sedated, traumatized and stimulated 24 hrs a day, it's not unlikely to cause psychological reactions. These reactions are not permanent although he could end up suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. For now, he's freaking the family out and pretty much amusing me with the stories of his delusions. I'm convinced this is temporary because he has periods when he's perfectly oriented to time, place and person. Brain damage isn't fleeting, you don't go in and out of it. Thursday, Jorge thought he was the president of the U.S., demanding to speak to Dick Cheney. Pretty cool, if you're going to be delusional, you might as well have delusions of grandeur!

So he's now out of ICU, into a "Step Down" unit next door. This should help with the psychosis, less stimuli and more time with family to keep him oriented. I suggested they bring in family photos to help keep him in the here and now. Less TV, more sleep. John's other brother Mike and sister Cuqui arrived back yesterday, great additional support for everone.

Around here it's been pretty quiet. Yesterday afternoon I took Jake with me to a Marine promotion ceremony. That was very cool. Then I went out for dinner with friends. One friend was a patient of mine last week, that's something to get used to. The Embassy community is small so I'll have plenty of friend/patients that I'll be socializing with as well as treating. Patient confidentiality is at a whole new level! As everyone tends to know everyone else's business, the harmless question of "Is so-and-so okay?" brings me to a screeching mental stop. If the questioner knows too much it can really become a tap dance. I'm learning to subtly change the subject.

I'm trying to think of something to do today other than hang out in my pajamas but I'm failing miserably. But the sun is shining and the day is beckoning. Next step, get the kids out of bed!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Farewell to 2008!

Our 2008 looked something like this ~

January found us living in Lorton, Virginia. John and I were attending Attache training, the girls were at South County High School and Jake was at Silverbrook Elementary School. This was the farthest north we'd ever lived as a family.

February was great! Our first real snowstorm and the kids' first snow day from school. I relearned about driving in the snow. Kim and Cindy came to visit with Cindy's new puppy Sadie. Sadie was adorable though insistent on proving how un-housetrained she was!

March was crazy busy. We finally got our household goods shipment from Argentina - real beds!!! After three months on an airmattress, you can imagine! Nicole's friend Matt came to visit from Buenos Aires and we took him with us to Navarre for Spring Break. John couldn't come so I was stuck "babysitting" two pairs of teenagers as Dylan and Lisette were inseparable.

April kept us busy too. Jake was playing lacrosse, Nicole was starting goalie for the SCHS JV soccer team and Lisette was either rehearsing or attending SAT prep class. My mom and my aunt Mary came to visit us on their way back from snowbirding in Florida. But my favourite part of this month was a week spent in Pennsylvania with our Attache class, learning high-speed, defensivee driving maneuvers, self-defense techniques and getting qualified in three different firearms. Crazy!!

May started off with Lisette taking her SAT exam right in the middle of her play performances. Then accepting an acting camp scholarship for Lisette. Getting our clearances for the move to Bolivia. Catching our collective breaths before the big summer move.

June meant a trip to Hamilton to get my Lasik done! It went so smoothly. Unfortunately, while I was there we were informed that Jake wasn't accepted into the American school in La Paz. That headache started fast and furious and lasted almost two months. The kids finished up their school. Then John and I took a quick trip to Florida to be there for his old squadron's change of command. Jake had his psycho-educational evaluation along with a long list of other demands by the school here.

July brought us back to Florida for a triple university tour. We all fell in love with FSU and were disappointed with Flagler. UCF remained middle of the road. Just before we left to FL, Lisette attended her acting camp and the final performance was awesome! When we got back to Virginia, we found out that Jake had passed his evaluation with ease. Picture my tongue stuck out at the school here. Then the moving began. John was in Bolivia the first half of the month. He got back just in time to be there for the movers but not for the prep. Hmmmm. Kim and my mom were here for that! The flew out to Miami on Nicole's birthday.

August meant we arrived in Bolivia! 08-08-08 was our arrival date, cool huh? Initially we were housed in a beautiful apartment with a gorgeous view of the mountains. We're surrounded by mountains but the apartment sat up on a rise so the view was tremendous. The altitude hit Lisette the hardest but I was the first to catch Evo's revenge. Unfortunately, it hit on moving day. We were moved to our present "Soprano House" a week after arrival. It a big, beautiful three bedroom home with another breathtaking view. So here we settled and the kids started school and I began lifestyle I should be accustomed to. Ha!

September was interesting. As Evo's detractors raged a siege on some outlying provinces, he turned his attention to the US Embassy. He kicked out our Ambassador, claiming he had proof of wrong-doing (he says things like that ALL the time but never does show the "proof") and then blamed the US for all of the strife in his country. Some semi-organized demonstrators showed up at the Embassy, more threats were made and actions seemed worrisome so the State Department gave an Authorized Departure order. The kids and I were headed to Florida. We settled in a beach house, the kids were enrolled in their old schools, Nicole got a tan and we spent lots of time with some dear friends.

October brought the bad news that the evacuation order hadn't been lifted. Evo was still being a butthead (is that not a diplomatic thing to say?) so we were best kept at a distance. John came to us for a visit, we celebrated his birthday, we attended the closing ceremonies of his first AF squadron, I spent too much time shopping (back-in-the-states-itis), we saw a ton of movies. Then, we were allowed back home!

November meant celebrating Jake's birthday at the opening night of "Madagascar 2", saying farewell to our Florida friends AGAIN and then chillin' for a week in Miami before suffering altitude sickness all over again. But it was worth it! We were home! Settling back to home, school and work was great. I applied for the Nursing position at the Health Unit and applied for admittance to an online university to complete my BSN degree. I was accepted time two. Thanksgiving was here with our Defense Attache office friends and families. Sadly, John's 93 yr.old grandmother passed away on Thanksgiving. John and I flew to Miami for her funeral and to celebrate the life of one of the strongest woman I've known.

Finally, December. I started work and fell in love with it! It's great to work so close to John. Early in the month we found out there were problems with the Express Shipment we had coming from Florida. Remember all that shopping I had done? Most of it was Christmas gifts and the expected delivery date was Dec. 1st. Well, it's now 2009 and we don't have it yet. The rest of December flew by, with work and Christmas preparations. Christmas day dawned and the gift pickings were modest compared to most years but we had a great day. December 27th brought devastating news. John's brother Jorge had suffered a near fatal heart attack. John flew out on the 28th and was there yesterday when Jorge finally woke up after being taken off the ventilator.

January 1, 2009 brings us dreams for the future, expectations of happiness and a vision of joys to come. May it do the same for you and may all of our hopes come alive!