Friday, April 24, 2009

Being a Hippie is So Groovy!

The party was last Saturday. It was awesome! Thanks to Cuqui who planted the idea with her own Christmas/Groovy party. Everything went off without a hitch and I had a blast. The food was great, the drinks were great, the costumes were fabulous, the band was amazing. And on and on. It seems that everyone had a super time, most comments touched on it being the best party anyone had been to since arriving here. Wahoo. I was so busy having a good time, it was hard to notice anyone not having a blast. Even the teenagers seemed to have enjoyed themselves. One of the personal highlights for me, was having the crowd sing "Happy Birthday" to me in English, then Spanish, and then in Portuguese. Great, great people!

The party started at 8 and went until about 2:30ish. The food outlasted the guests and at the end, I had my feet up sitting cross ways on a plush chair right beside the bar. That's the life!

Don't miss the pictures on my Facebook page!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Social Week

It's been a busy week and it's only getting busier. I can't believe Easter was just this past Sunday!

Tuesday, John and I hosted the General Membership Tea for ABIA (American British International Association). Luckily, we only provided the location, dishes and wine glasses to the affair, the wine and cheese came from the association. It was quite successful by all accounts, we had around 50 people show.

Yesterday was Chem Exam day. Finished and handed in! Then I edited my final English essay and handed that in too. John was home most of the day, he has a cellulitis infection on his nose! It was yucky but after a few days of antibiotics, he's much better. Let me tell you, you get some strange infections up here!

I worked today but have a dinner to go to this evening. Tomorrow is work around the house day, I need to get caught up on a bunch of errands. More social events to attend this weekend, maybe I can sleep in on Sunday though!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Lisette is home, we had a houseful of people for Easter lunch and I was able to drink Diet Coke for the first time in 40 days! Yeah!

No pictures, I'm not sure where my camera is. Last time I saw it, it was going into Nicole's purse. Hmmmm.

Everyone slept in this morning. Well, the Easter Bunny was up early but then she went back to bed for an hour or so. I did suffer from some "Evo's Revenge" this morning but a few Pepto-Bismol's helped. Nothing was getting between me and my Diet Coke anyway!

I finished my English essay rough draft tonight so now I just have to wait for some critiquing from my fellow students, hand in the final draft by the end of the week and I'm done English I!! I have a Chemistry exam to complete by Thursday but I got a 96 on my prep test so hopefully the exam will go smoothly. After that, I'm done Chem!! If all goes well, I'll have an A in all my classes this term. Yeah me! :-)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Break

I've heard from Lisette twice. Once was for money. Hmmm. A sign of things to come, perhaps? :-) Sounds like she's having a blast in Cordoba.

Jake has been spending way too many hours playing the Wii. John and I just tried out Guitar Hero (my first shot at it) and we, really bad. It is fun though, except for the part when Jake is trying to help. He's not helping.

Nicole and I went out for lunch today. I drove us down by the Embassy to the one and only Subway. Other than Burger King, it's the only North American restaurant in town, actually, in the country. Not even McDonalds though rumour has it there will be a McD's in Santa Cruz by summer. Subway was yummy, nice fresh bread but somehow it just didn't taste the same. Oh well.

I'm almost done this semester of classes and still contemplating if I'm going to squish in my last English class before our summer trip. Probably should. Chem has been brutal this last month but I managed to get in the last paper 15 minutes before it was due today. I actually completed it yesterday but had to put it into a document to send it to my professors. That took forever! One more exam and I'm done Chem, one more essay and I'm done Eng I. The countdown begins!

Tomorrow I'm hoping to drag my lazy family out for a Good Friday hike in the tradition of my side of the family! Since both the kids were finally up at 1 today (I was too busy with Chem to kick them out of bed earlier) - it could be quite a feat to get them moving tomorrow.

Hope your Good Friday is...well, good!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Two Posts in Two Days!

Wow! That hasn't happened in a long time! :-)

I had a busy day though I didn't really expect to! I woke up at around 8:30, considered sleeping for another 30 minutes then decided to get up and shower. While I was in the shower, I remembered I had an Attache Spouses' Tea to go to at 9:30! Yikes! I made it just in time, thankfully it was close by. Lots of fun and I came home with a birthday gift and a raffle win. Cool!

At home, there were two guys from the Embassy doing the inventory of all our furniture, etc. Jake was here with his two friends still. Their maid ended up spraining her ankle so the boys stayed here for the day - it was a good thing, Jake had a blast.

I studied some Chemistry then headed to the Embassy to go and choose the last of our furniture from the warehouse. That took a couple of hours in total then I dragged John home just before 5. I've been studying Chem since getting home. Jake went home with Christine for a sleepover...same boys! Nicole's waiting for a phone call to go out for dinner with a girlfriend. Lisette emailed me - short but sweet, sounds like she's having fun!

Now, time for Chem class! Talk to you soon!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Birthday Dinner at La Suisse

When Does the Train Slow Down?

I keep saying that and I keep expecting a quieter week but it just doesn't happen! This last week I worked full-time including an overnight trip to Santa Cruz to teach CPR...IN SPANISH! Thankfully one of the Security Officers came with me and worked as my interpreter. It went well and everyone passed the test.

The nice part of the trip to Santa Cruz was that John came along too. We visited the NAS (Narcotic Affairs Section) and were briefed on what they do in Bolivia. Very interesting, especially because I barely had a clue what they do!

Friday was a great day too - my birthday! John had an Attache function at lunchtime but I was working and the doc closed up the clinic so all of us could go out for lunch! Have I mentioned how much I love my coworkers? They really are awesome.

The kids and John went out for dinner with me. I'll post a picture. I ate a less than delicious fondue with Nicole but my company was perfect. Usually this is one of my favourite restaurants but we ordered something different and it was yucky. Oh well! We still managed to stuff ourselves (easier to do at 12,000 feet!) so we couldn't manage the dessert Nicole and her friend Eva had baked me earlier in the afternoon. Chocolate cake! It had to wait until Saturday.

Yesterday morning Lisette headed out with her Senior class to Cordoba, Argentina for their senior trip. Haven't heard from her since she boarded the bus in Tarija but we didn't expect her cell phone would work in Argentina. I figure no news is probably good news until she can find a way to contact us. Makes me uneasy to be out of touch with my baby though!!

Jake has two friends sleeping over tonight. My day has been so quiet that hearing them in the next room is just funny!

This is the kids' Spring Break, I won't be working much and I'm trying to get ahead in my classes so I can just relax with them. I'll let you know how that works out!!