Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm Going Nuclear!

I had a chemistry test yesterday and today my professor emailed us students with the news that they were changing which chapter we were going to study this week. Instead of Acids and Bases, we were going to study Nuclear give us a break because we were all brain dead. This didn't sound like a break to me!

Yesterday I also took a history test. I was in a rush to take it before we had guests over, completely forgot to take the pretest and got my worst score yet - an 86. I've been depressed about it all day. About the history test and the chem test which wasn't nearly as easy as the first one. My only saving Grace today was the 98 that I got on my short essays. The girls were rolling their eyes at me this afternoon as I groaned about my 86. No pity!

John and I went to see the DATT house again today and made a list of the things that still need to be done, a few things that have to be changed and a screw up or two. Considering the length of the list, it might mean John will be moving us while I'm in cool would that be??? Payback could be awesome, or disastrous! LOL

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

My plan was to blog every other day but yesterday I was busy - work then this party. Ladies Night at the Marine House...with the Marines in drag. Who would possibly miss the chance to see that???

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

When Will My Life Be Serene?

A lot of it is my fault. I started back to work, though part time. At the same time, I started back to school, though part time.

This week, I'll work 2.5 days. I have three essays and a Chemistry test due by Sunday. Lisette has decided her 18th Birthday party should be this Saturday instead of next because of Carnival down here - too much interference. Which is a good choice...however. Now I'm scrambling to get the tent/tables/chairs plus the BBQ guy and a server (yeah, I know, rough life). Mind you, Saturday is Valentine's Day too. I'm hitting up John's secretary for some help as my Spanish speaking husband is away, again. Then there's the cake and the champagne (just a wee bit for her to celebrate with) to buy, and we'll be decorating all day Saturday while my essays lay unwritten. And what's today? Wednesday already!!!

I'm praying all will fall into place and I'll just keep a bottle of that champagne for myself to soothe the pain of my baby girl becoming an adult!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Back From the Brink of Death

John left yesterday morning for DC. He got up at 3:20ish, I was up at 3:30 and spent the majority of time between 3:30 and 5:30 in the bathroom. Once was to puke up my toenails, or at least that's what it felt like. By the time I barfed, John was on his way and was no help whatsoever. Poor me.

We call it "Evo's Revenge" since he doesn't like us much it makes sense. Well, Evo was extremely pissed at me yesterday. Don't really know why. I barely survived on a bottle of water, a can of Gingerale and some Imodium. By dinnertime I chanced some chicken soup (no chicken, a little bit of noodle) and then by bedtime I was still so shaky I had a wee bit of cereal.

My babies took good care of me. My history professor gave me an extra day to take my weekly test. My husband was nowhere to be found...he didn't have a great day either so I can't squawk too much about him. My bed was comfy and cozy.

This morning I feel 100% better. Amazing what a difference 24 hours makes!! Now for history...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Actually, I felt pretty good this morning although I woke up in the middle of the night with a "too much wine" headache but I fell back asleep and woke up refreshed!

The problem started with drinking a glass and a half of wine at Kim's house before going out for dinner. More wine at dinner - both the wine and the food were so good! Then off the Marine House for another glass of wine (not so good this time) but by then I was...super happy.

We had a great time! I've mentioned before what great people we work with at the Embassy and their families. Lucky, lucky us.

Today was a bit busy too. The girls had different things/times to be at school for, cheerleading (Nicole) and theatre (Nicole and Lisette). Jake spent some time with John today clearing out a bunch of toys. We went to see the house - it's still coming along beautifully.

We're looking for a second maid, this new house is humongo! So I made a phone call about one but it doesn't look like it's the right fit. Monday I'll try to track down another one that might work well.

Tonight, Nicole is at a movie with friends and Lisette is at a "Senior Girls Night Out" which sounds like a great time! I'm ready to fall into bed!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Funky Friday

It's been a good week! I got my husband and baby girl back, I finished my homework early and work has been busy but not too busy.

The weather has been a bit schizophrenic but overall quite stunning. We found out our move date was being moved back a bit, I had a small hissy fit about it and we came to a compromise.

Jake's been home sick with a sore throat and yesterday had a fever but seems to be making good progress today. Just in time to organize his toys with John this weekend! Yeah! Little does he know that that's my evil plan for him!

Last night I met John at the Embassy, we grabbed a quick soup/sandwich dinner and then went to the airport to greet a new Argentine attache and his family. We didn't stay long because John's still recovering his altitude "legs".

Tonight we're having dinner with friends and then heading to an Embassy party. Woo Hoo, will the fun never end?

Monday, February 2, 2009

One More Beautiful Day

Can't complain about our weather lately! Although it's not warm enough to go swimming, it's been sunny and perfect out day after day!

I finally got around to writing my essay yesterday...I sent it to Nicole for feedback and she gave me an A+++++ or something like that - we shall see. Then I started studying for my history test, the brutal chapters. Unfortunately I only got an 86 on the test, the class average was only 72. Again, brutal chapters.

Nicole had a bunch of friends over for the Super Bowl. Poor Jake was banned from the family room so he couldn't watch it. I offered to take him over to the Marine House where a few of his friends were attending a Super Bowl party but he wasn't interested. So he played with his toys while I studied and we listened to the cheering and the groans from upstairs which signified what team was ahead...most of the kids were routing for Pittsburgh!

Lisette had her UCF and FSU auditions this weekend. She felt good about both auditions. Sounds like there was a monstrous amount of kids auditioning for FSU which has her rather concerned. John wasn't impressed with UCF and we both think Lisette should stick to a BA (Bachelor of Arts) program rather than a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) which is much more restricted in what classes she can take. But that's all up to Lisette - she'll be making her decision in the next month. Meanwhile, I'll stick to my denial that my baby's flying from the nest. :-(